Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Father's Day Special: Mine is a Casual Father!

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard.  Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass."  "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply.  "We're raising boys."  
-Harmon Killebrew

Image by tlst

Since Father's Day is just around the corner, let me help you choose gifts for your Daddy, Papa, Pop, Dad, Pa, Tatay, or simply FATHER on their special day.

Choosing gifts for someone usually depends on their personality. Like for Fathers, we have the Casual Fathers, Sporty Papa, Family-Man, Executive Dad, Artistic Papa, and so on. But for today I prepared some gift ideas for your Casual Fathers.

1. Belts. One of the most useful gifts you can ever give to a man. They do wear it everyday. They wear different belts depending on the pants or shorts they are wearing. Common yet worth it!
Image by Antonio Jiménez Alonso

2. Wallets. Men seldom buy their own wallets. They usually had a wallet either received as a gift or they'll buy because they really need one (usually when the one they are using retired). So giving him wallet especially when the one he has now is already torn out, is one of the best idea. 
Image by Sanja Gjenero

3. Clothes. They are common gifts, whether it is a tee shirts, polo shirts, polo, long sleeves, pants, shorts, etc. They are very useful to casual Dads --- Casual Fashion!
Image by Adrian Gtz

4. Caps. Almost all men uses caps  to protect them from Mr. Sun and also as a fashion accessory. Most men do have caps as their collection. So giving them something to add in their collection is really something. 
Image by Carlos Paes

5. Food Baskets. Sometimes, you may give them something they need rather than something they want. Giving them a food basket is also one thing they'd love especially when the contents are their favorites. 
Image by Haus Of Goods

You can also try giving them jackets, watches, cards, etc. However, it is still you who can determine the perfect gift you can give your Casual Fathers on their day. Just trust your instinct!

Hope you enjoyed my versatile gift ideas!

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