Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Unique Photo Gifts

A friend came, asking me what gift she can give to her parents on their 25thanniversary. After some research, here are  my recommendations.
A customized gift would be very touching for partners especially when this signifies their love. For anniversaries, it would be better if you'd choose their pictures on the first couple of years of their relationship, this will help them reminisce how their relationship started and continued to bloom.
Then after choosing the right picture, you may now look for a good artist who can draw their portrait and then put it in a frame like this:
Or you may also, have the picture puzzle and then arrange the puzzle before framing it. 
This makes common gifts personalized and one-of-a-kind. They will surely love your gift.

Hope you enjoyed my versatile gift ideas! Till my next post! 

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