Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Top 10 Baby Gifts

I surveyed for the Top 10 Baby Shower and Christening Gifts and this is what I got.
Image by Allie Hylton

1. Baby Clothes. Baby Clothes topped my survey. Of course, with its usefulness, every mom would surely love to receive one for their babies. 

2. Beddings. Bedding set includes comforter, pillows and blankets, for a good night sleep. 

3. Baby Sling/Front Carrier. One of the good picks. Very useful gift especially when going out for a stroll. 

4. Bath Kit. A fresh, light-scented, hypo-allergenic bath set is indeed a go as gifts for babies. Just make sure that your bath products are mild and won't hurt baby's delicate skin. 

5. Activity Gym. A set of lovely toys with different varieties. A colorful, noise-making toy will surely catch baby's attention.

Image by Jeff Osborn

6. Book. It's colorful pictures will surely catch baby's attention. And as baby grows story telling before going to sleep is a sure hit. A book about babies is also a big hit and big help for mommies out there.  

7. Diaper/Baby Bags. A very useful gift, where mommies can put diapers, baby bottles, clothes, and other baby stuff. So that mommies are always ready-to-go. 

8. Baby Monitor. Always updated on baby's activities. With an audio or video baby monitor, mommy can easily know baby's activities and make sure that baby is doing fine. 

9. Bouncy Seat. A really nice, fun, and safe place for babies. He/She won't feel alone because he/she feels movements. This can also help baby's motor skills and balancing skills develop. 

10. Toys. A lot of toys! Different variety of toys like rattles, music, stuff toys, etc. are also one of the common gifts for babies. Why? Simply because babies love it! :) 
Image by Franci Strumpfer

Hope you enjoyed my versatile gift ideas! :)

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