Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You & Me Drawing

I love surprises and I love surprising someone. Today I would like to share one of my simple yet a very sweet surprise. 

Go get a paper and draw a stick girl and a stick boy using crayons. Draw a cute simple one, that would look like a child from kindergarten drew it. Write your names under the stick girl and stick boy and put a heart in the middle or you may also put your names inside a heart instead. 

Put your drawing in a big brown envelop, print a notice and his mailing address on a paper (that would look like that it is a work-related document) and paste it on the brown envelop.
Mr. Miguel Fernando
7th Floor XYZ Building, Orange St. 

Then send it to his office via air mail or courier.
Your guy/girl will surely be surprised with this and will surely love such a sweet act.

Hope you enjoyed my versatile gift ideas!

Notice: This is not my original idea and I am not claiming any. I blog it to share to others who are looking for surprises and unique ideas to be given for their special someone.

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