Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunt

You might be curious why we included such game in this blog. I included this to share a simple, unique, and sweet wedding proposal. 

What are your Goals?
1. Let her remember how your relationship started.
2. Reminisce every sweet memories and places you have.
3. Make her realize how much you love her and how much you wanted her to be part of your life.
4. And let her respond to your wedding proposal.

What to do?
1. Create your map. Put at least 5 hidden treasure spots.
    In my sample map, I indicated all our favorite places. 
Treasure Map

2. Get 12 pieces of long stem flower (her favorite flower).
    Put 1 stem on your every clue card. The remaining flowers will be given by you.
Image from Stock.Xchnge

3.  Create clue cards and put it in a bottle. Each bottle are kept as treasures.
      Put a flower near the treasure.

     My sample clue cards:
        a. My CLUE 1, which comes with the map: 

 "The first time I saw you I knew it was true. 
That I'd love you forever and that's what I'll do." 

The first day I saw you, you were talking with your friends, 
I notice your smile, so dear so divine. 
Go to the place where I always dreamt that you are mine. 
_(Put your own story. In my clue number 1, I am pertaining to the coconut bench, 
because that is where we met)_

        b. My CLUE 2, scavenged from the area of the coconut bench:

"When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you, 
When I first talked to you I was afraid to like you,
When I first liked you I was afraid to love you, 
Now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you."

I'm so lucky to be given a chance to love you,
And a chance to be loved by you. 
I always wanted to be with you, in a paradise oh so true!
_(Put your own story. In my clue number 2, I am pertaining to the old fish pond, 
because we thought that is how paradise look like)_

        c. My CLUE 3, scavenged from the area of the old fish pond:

As we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, 
There is one thing that will never change... 
I will always keep falling in love with you.

Me loves you Image by VersatilegiftideaS

_(Put your own story. In my clue number 3, I am pertaining to the Kindergarten School,
because this is where we draw this picture)_.

        d. My CLUE 4, scavenged from the area of the Kindergarten School:

"You know you truly love someone 
when everyday you meet is like the first time you fall in love."

I am very happy to wake up each day
And fall in love with you over and over again.
Because having you means living with an angel.
I just wished we also have our own cherubims. 
_(Put your own story. In my clue number 4, I am pertaining to the Park and Play,
because we call it as the place of cherubims)_.

        e. My CLUE 5, scavenged from the area of the Park and Play:

"I may not be your first, but to be your last would be perfect! "
_(Put your own story. In my clue number 5, I am pertaining to the Don Bosco Church,
because that is our favorite church)_.

4. At the church, stay near the altar so that she can easily see you. Then do your proposal speech. 

Good luck!

Hope you enjoyed my versatile gift ideas!

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